Winter fun zone accessible by bus

  • Children's play area - Chamrousse 1750 - School
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Arcade terminal Chamrousse library / toy library
  • Chamrousse game library
  • Chamrousse library
  • Chamrousse game library
  • Chamrousse library
  • Chamrousse libray games
  • Library opening hours summer 2024
  • créneaux ados été 24
Chamrousse 1750
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamrousse Escape game - Adventure perched
  • Escape game adventure in Chamrousse
  • Chamrousse tourist office building
Chamrousse 1650 Chamrousse 1750
  • Services :
    • 8 Years maximum
    • Bus stop 500 m away
  • Chamrousse Explor Games®
  • Chamrousse Explor Games
  • Chamrousse Explor Games in summer
  • Chamrousse Explor Games in winter
  • Photo hiver marche jeu Chamrousse Explor Games hiver
  • Download Chamrousse Explor Games®
  • photo-prestataire
Chamrousse 1650 Chamrousse 2250
    • Help for client/transport
    • Bus stop 500 m away
  • Chamrousse Téo treasure hunt map
Chamrousse 1650
  • Services :
    • 2 Years maximum
    • Free
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • children's play area
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamrousse cinema
  • Cinema ''le Schuss - Chamrousse
Chamrousse 1750
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamrousse outdoor exhibition panel environment centre
  • Chamrousse outdoor exhibition panel environment centre
  • Chamrousse educational exhibition track
  • Leader financing
  • photo-prestataire
Chamrousse 1650
    • Free
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Geocaching
  • Chamrousse geocaching
  • Winter geocaching
  • Geocaching Logo
Chamrousse 1600
    • Free
  • Little Mountain Dweller Track
  • Winter Little mountain dweller track
  • Chamrousse Little mountain dweller track
  • photo-prestataire
Chamrousse 1650 Chamrousse 1750
  • Route type :
    • Thematic trail / Treasure hunt
  • Services :
    • 3 Years maximum
  • Grouping by age (EN) :
    • Dedicated to families with children
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away