Children's play area - Chamrousse 1750 - Commercial Center

Children's play area - Chamrousse 1750 - Commercial Center
Chamrousse 1750
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  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


A children's play area to have fun
Opening periodFrom 01/06 to 15/10.
    Classification, Label
    • Facilities and services :
      • Parking lot
      • Pets allowed
    General informations
    • Leisure :
      • Recreational leisure
      • Children’s games
    • Services :
      • Pets allowed
    • Grouping by age (EN) :
      • Dedicated to families with children
    Equipments & Services
    • Parking :
      • Parking facilities nearby


    Free access.


    Aire de jeux pour enfants - Chamrousse 1750 - Centre Commercial
    Chamrousse 1750
    GPS coordinates
    Latitude : 45.111194
    Longitude : 5.876179
    • Internal criteria :
      • Chamrousse 1750
    • Mobilité :
      • Bus stop 500 m away
      • Shuttle stop 300 m away
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