Jérémy Royer


All the way up!

  • Discipline: cross-country skiing
  • Sports Federation: French Ski Federation (FFS)
  • Prize: 5th in the general ranking of Champion ship of France 2020 and French University Champion 2022
  • Fun fact: in addition to the high-level sport, he is doing a preparation to the engineering schools!
  • Chamrousse champion athlete jérémy royer cross-country skiing mountain ski resort french alps france - © Jérémy Royer
Jeremy practices the cross-country ski from his 8 years old and he is part of the Nordic Belledonne-Chamrousse Ski Club (SNBC), with, for basecamp, the Nordic domain of Chamrousse in the Arselle Plateau (Chamrousse 1600). He is a cross-country skier (with the technic of the "skater’s step" which is different from the classic one called "alternative step").

He is also the vice-champion of France U20 of sprint wheel skis (summer version of the Nordic ski). Also called "roller-ski", this discipline, unknown by most of the people, has to be practice with wheeled skis on groomed lanes not too frequented. It is one of the best ways for our cross-country skiers to keep being fit and to have sensations of slide during the summer.
The championship of wheels skis should be in Chamrousse during the summer 2021.

Meet Jérémy Royer on the social networks:
  • Chamrousse champion athlete jérémy royer cross-country skiing roller ski mountain ski resort french alps france - © Jérémy Royer

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