Activities calendar

  • Chamrousse well-being hike
  • Chamrousse well-being hike
  • Chamrousse well-being hike
  • Chamrousse well-being hike
  • Chamrousse well-being hike information
  • Chamrousse well-being hike information
  • Chamrousse well-being hike information
  • Isabelle Bronner, mountain leader and yoga graduate
Chamrousse 1600
  • Logo Les Sacs d'Ysabeau
  • hand-woven fabrics
  • Weave
  • Weave
  • Weave
Chamrousse 1650
    • By reservation only
  • Chamrousse biscuit production
  • Chamrousse biscuit production
  • Chamrousse biscuit production
  • Chamrousse biscuit production
  • Chamrousse Alexandra Pavée Flamand
    • By reservation only
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamois in Chamrousse
Chamrousse 1600
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Core yoga Chamrousse
  • Chamrousse yoga meditation
Chamrousse 1750
  • aquatic relaxation
Chamrousse 1650
    • New winter
    • By reservation only
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Summer mountaineering
Chamrousse 1750
    • By reservation only
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • MCF Scooter
  • MCF Scooter
  • photo-prestataire
  • Gourmet stroll
  • Belledonne en Marche staff
Chamrousse 1750
    • By reservation only
  • Household cleaning products
  • Chamrousse ivy cleaning products workshop
  • Ivy care product
  • Ivy-based maintenance product
  • Ketty, DIY designer Chamrousse
    • By reservation only
  • Nature Awakening
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamrousse cosmetic workshop
  • Chamrousse cosmetic workshop
  • Ketty, DIY designer Chamrousse
Chamrousse 1650
    • By reservation only
  • Medicinal and edible plants
  • Medicinal and edible plants
  • Berry Sorbier des oiseleurs or Birds's Sorbier
  • Chamrousse mountain guide Jonathan Perret
    • By reservation only
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Wakeboard activity at Grenouillere lake
  • Wakeboard Chamrousse
  • Cable-ski activity at Grenouillère lake
Chamrousse 1650
  • Children's water buoy Chamrousse
  • Cable-ski activity at Grenouillère lake
Chamrousse 1650
  • Frisbee golf activity
  • Frisbee golf activity
  • Frisbee golf activity
  • photo-prestataire
Chamrousse 1700
  • MCF electric mountain bike
  • MCF electric mountain bike
  • MCF electric mountain bike
  • MCF electric mountain bike
  • photo-prestataire
Chamrousse 1750
  • Wildlife watching
  • Wildlife watching
  • Chamois tracks
  • Belledonne en Marche staff
Chamrousse 1750
    • By reservation only
  • Sport discovery
Chamrousse 1750
    • By reservation only
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Natur'yoga
  • photo-prestataire
Chamrousse 1600 Chamrousse 1700
  • Archery
Chamrousse 1700
  • Professional mental trainer Chamrousse
    • By reservation only
  • Swimming lessons
Chamrousse 1650
    • New winter
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Isabelle Bronner, mountain leader and yoga graduate in Chamrousse
  • Isabelle Bronner, mountain leader and yoga graduate in Chamrousse
  • Chamrousse forest bath
  • Chamrousse forest bath
  • Chamrousse forest bath
  • photo-prestataire
Chamrousse 1600