Experience Adrenaline Park - Summer giant zipline


I tested it for you: Chamrousse's longest zip line in summer!

"I defied gravity to discover Chamrousse from a new angle"

August 2023, Chamrousse 1650, zip line, with friends
Emma, city adventurer
  • Chamrousse experience test giant zip line Adrenaline Park summer mountain resort grenoble belledonne isere french alps france - © OT Chamrousse
We're lucky enough to be able to try out the new zip line at Chamrousse with some friends. We're scared, but we're going!
Fortunately, I've already got a good idea of the route we're going to take, as the zip line cable follows that of the La Croix gondola. We're going to do it in both directions this time, going up in the gondola and then going down in the zipline, but I think we'll not get the same views or, more importantly, the same sensations.
Challenge accepted: defy gravity to discover Chamrousse resort from a whole new angle!
  • Chamrousse test giant zip line experience Adrenaline Park climb la Croix gondola summer mountain resort grenoble belledonne isere french alps france - © OT Chamrousse
  • Chamrousse experience test giant zipline adrenaline park panel summer mountain resort grenoble isere french alps france - © EM - OT Chamrousse

A quiet ascent

As we climb the gondola, we take in the views and chat about the new adventure that awaits us. We look out over the landscape and suddenly we even see someone coming down in front of us. It's said that more than the sheer speed and extreme adrenalin, zip-lining gives you the sensation of flying, a bit like paragliding.
Personally, I haven't paraglided and I don't think I ever will. This is going to be ‘the’ crash test.

On the way to the summit, we take the opportunity to have a look around the rooftop, as we're a little ahead of schedule. A short panoramic stop with a view of Grenoble city, the Vercors mountains, the Chartreuse mountains and the resort, before taking the plunge. You can also see the departure platform for the world's, Europe's, France's and Navarre's longest zip line with pylons...
  • Chamrousse experience giant zip line direction sign Adrenaline Park summer mountain resort grenoble isere french alps france - © RL - OT Chamrousse
  • Chamrousse test giant zip line experience Adrenaline Park rooftop sign mountain vercors summer resort grenoble belledonne isere french alps france - © EM - OT Chamrousse

Gear up

Next step, the special zipline outfit. We went to the room just below to get kitted out, which took a bit of time as there were 4 of us, but it was enough time to get everyone kitted out while talking to the receptionist about safety.
You have to put on the harness facing the wall, with the harness behind, starting with the shoulder straps. You take a helmet, which you choose yourself, a goggle (you can even put your glasses or sunglasses underneath, it's great) or transparent goggles. Too much style, perfect for file photos!
And the fateful moment arrives, the weigh-in, but no pressure about the weight, with all the gear, we're all a bit heavier than usual!

We're ready! We walk towards the start of the zip line, it's just next door, just 30 seconds down a small dirt track. When we got there, we took the opportunity to take a quick photo break because there were already a lot of people in front of us.
  • Chamrousse summer giant zip line experience Adrenaline Park security harness mountain resort grenoble isere french alps france - © RL - OT Chamrousse
  • Chamrousse summer giant zipline test experience Adrenaline Park departure group photo mountain resort grenoble isere french alps france - © RL - OT Chamrousse

A crazy descent

A bit of queuing on the platform before the big moment. I tell myself that starting off in front of the others is a bit impressive, I'm not going to be the first! I watch the first person leave in front of us, a little freaked out by the sight of the cable falling after the first pole, because at the start it's quite flat and then it plunges. As a result, I don't want to be the last one either, so I don't have to wait too long and get stressed out. Position n°2 out of 4 is good. Florence passes just before me, screaming at the top of the slope, oh dear!

Now it's my turn and off we go! At the 1st pole, I feel like I'm going down a huge slope, with a little adrenaline rush for 3 seconds. After that, the slope is gentler and I take the time to scan the horizon from left to right. We're sitting down so we have time to enjoy the view and I've even spotted the bottom of the station. The 2nd pole passes quickly after all, and I get closer to the ground and can see more things, which is nice. It's not cold, even with the speed, but I've still got a little jacket, even if it's summer, it's still the mountains here.
I'm getting closer to the finish and I'm no longer worried because there's no acceleration. I'm not stressed about the finish because I'd already seen it from below before I got on the gondola. I knew what to expect.

I arrived well seated with my legs positioned according to the safety rule given at the start.
The stop in the retarder brakes gently with a rocking motion. Someone at the finish pulls me towards the platform, asks how I'm doing and takes me down to the big platform.
I meet up with my partner who'd arrived before me, take off the gear and then we go down the stairs after waiting for Maria and Pierre to arrive. We stop in front of the photo point, to see our faces, more files!
  • Chamrousse summer giant zip line experience Adrenaline Park departure station summer mountain resort grenoble isere french alps france - © RL - OT Chamrousse
  • Chamrousse experience test giant zip line Adrenaline Park summer mountain resort grenoble belledonne isere french alps france - © RL - OT Chamrousse
It was a great moment of exchange and laughter. We shared our impressions of this discovery and first taste. In the end, I think the descent is more impressive than it looks. We'll have to come back and try it in winter!
This is a top zip line activity close to Grenoble and Lyon, for a flight in the heart of the Alps, that I'll be recommending to others. As a family, it's for children aged 9 and over for safety reasons, but if not, there's also the resort's accrobranche park, where there are zip lines for younger children + the large zip line course at Grenouillère lake.

Emma - Tourist Office.
Remember to book your "Adrenaline Park" slot at least one week in advance in summer:

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