Discover Bachat Bouloud's totem poles and Szekely's sculptures

Friday 20 September 2024

Saturday 21 September 2024

Sunday 22 September 2024

Monday 23 September 2024

Location : Les Villages du Bachat
Totem sculture Szekely ChamrousseEuropean Heritage Days 2024JEP European Heritage Days 2024
Bibliothèque municipale Chamrousse
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Les Villages du Bachat
Route de Bachat Bouloud
Chamrousse 1700
  • Location :
    • Chamrousse 1700 – Villages du Bachat


Join us in Chamrousse for the European Heritage Days, to discover the resort's cultural heritage, including the Bachat Bouloud totem poles (1961-1962), sculptures by artist Pierre Székely.
A monumental totem pole marking the entrance to the Bachat Bouloud sector (Chamrousse 1700) and two smaller village totem poles can still be seen today.
Did you know? Erected in 1965, the central totem of the Villages du Bachat is the emblem of the former Bachat Bouloud mountain youth center. Nicknamed the Sitting Angel or the Schoolboy, depending on the version, it is the work of sculptor Pierre Székely and stands 12 metres high!
Bachat-Bouloud, a children's village made up of large chalets, used to welcome thousands of children every year (green classes, snow classes, summer camps). Declining attendance, the cost of renovations and changing attitudes have all taken their toll on the concept.

There were originally 8 totem poles at Bachat-Bouloud, one for each existing village in France, 5 of which disappeared when the Domaines de l'Arselle tourist residence was built.
The network of centers d'accueil des scolaires thus comprised 8 villages, belonging to 12 local authorities: village n°1 in Mantes-la-Jolie; village n°2 in Echirolles, Eybens and Tarare; village n°3 in Bas-Rhin; village n°4 in Isère and Saint-Marcelin; village n°5 in Loiret; village n°6 in Villeurbanne in La Marne; village n°7 in Lyon and village n°8 in Boulogne-Billancourt.

The dedication stele (1961): the foundation stone for the Bachat-Bouloud children's villages was laid on July 17, 1961 by Mr. Herzog, High Commissioner for Youth and Sport. The Casserousse track had just been completed.
Founders: Pierre and Janine Lainé and Renouveau Board of Directors. Architect: Henri Mouette.
Free of charge.
Opening periodFriday 20 September 2024.

Saturday 21 September 2024.

Sunday 22 September 2024.

Monday 23 September 2024.


    Free of charge.


    Route de Bachat Bouloud
    Chamrousse 1700
    GPS coordinates
    Latitude : 45.101184
    Longitude : 5.878855
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    Friday 20 September 2024

    Saturday 21 September 2024

    Sunday 22 September 2024

    Monday 23 September 2024