Chamrousse takes schoolchildren cross-country skiing to the summit!


Chamrousse, the perfect place to learn to ski

At the end of the winter season 2023 and 2024, the ski lift company has set up nordic ski loops at the Croix de Chamrousse summit for school groups. Children can now learn to skate or do alternating cross-country skiing on tracks at an altitude of 2,250 metres, with breathtaking panoramic views, as part of snow classes, discovery classes or sports lessons.

Chamrousse is proud to be able to welcome these young people and to make its summit a centre for cross-country skiing in Isère department.
  • Chamrousse learning cross-country skiing summit resort spring mountain grenoble isere french alps france - © CH - OT Chamrousse

The challenge of teaching children to ski

In the heights of Chamrousse, the mountain becomes the testing ground for young aspiring skiers. Nestling in the French Alps, the resort offers much more than a simple experience on the snowy slopes. This is where a crucial issue comes into play: teaching children to ski.

In a world where the pleasures of skiing have been cherished for generations, the training of future skiers is of paramount importance. The average age of skiers in France is falling. It's in this context that Chamrousse stands as a bastion of transmission, offering younger generations access to this ancestral know-how.
Training children to ski is a crucial issue for the entire ski industry. Ski resorts depend on the training of young skiers to ensure their longevity and attractiveness. Similarly, equipment brands (ski equipment and clothing) and ski schools (like ESF) play an essential role in providing quality products and services that promote a positive experience on the ski slopes, thereby contributing to the growth and reputation of the ski industry as a whole.
Maintaining snow classes, discovery classes and sports lessons in schools is essential to fostering children's physical, social and emotional development. These experiences offer unique opportunities for outdoor initiation, foster group cohesion, encourage the discovery of new horizons and contribute to a healthy and active lifestyle. By supporting these initiatives, we are also investing in the well-being and development of future generations.

However, teaching children to ski is much more than simply acquiring sporting skills. It's a process that shapes their relationship with nature, their self-confidence and their ability to take on challenges. At Chamrousse, the ski instructors become mentors who teach much more than technique: they instil respect for the mountains, the patience needed to master cross-country skiing and the spirit of camaraderie born on the snowy slopes.
  • Chamrousse introduction cross-country skiing children school summit resort spring mountain grenoble isere french alps france - © CH - OT Chamrousse
  • Chamrousse introduction cross-country skiing class children summit resort spring mountain grenoble isere french alps france - © CH - OT Chamrousse

10 good reasons to introduce children to skiing

  1. Learning a new skill: an exciting sporting skill to learn and perfect, giving children an opportunity to learn and grow
  2. Physical activity and health: an excellent way for children to stay active during the winter months, promoting cardiovascular health, muscle strength and coordination
  3. Connecting with nature: winter sports such as skiing offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature, allowing children to enjoy snow-covered landscapes and breathe fresh mountain air
  4. Building self-confidence: learning to ski and overcoming challenges on the slopes can help build children's self-confidence and self-esteem
  5. Appreciation of the environment: skiing can raise children's awareness of the importance of preserving the natural environment, encouraging them to respect the mountains and adopt environmentally-friendly behaviour.
  6. Socialisation: a social activity that allows children to meet other young skiers and make new friends through ski lessons or clubs.
  7.  Risk management and decision-making: teaches children about risk management and quick decision-making, helping them to assess conditions on the slopes and make decisions accordingly
  8. Enjoyment of being together: skiing with family or friends to create unforgettable memories and strengthen family and friendships through days spent together on the slopes
  9. Disconnecting from screens: offering a welcome break from screens and technology, allowing children to disconnect and enjoy the present moment
  10. Passion: inspiring a lifelong passion for the sport, encouraging them to continue and explore new ski destinations throughout their lives
  • Chamrousse panoramic park view drone summit resort cross chamrousse winter ski mountain grenoble isere french alps france - © YV - OT Chamrousse


Skiing is fun, and even more so for children! They have the freedom to ski in a magical winter landscape in the Nordic area in winter or at the top of the resort in early spring when the ski area has closed.
Skiing is above all an introduction to the pleasures and joys of the glide. And there's only one step from cross-country skiing to downhill skiing. So Chamrousse's mission is to give children who are just starting out the opportunity to embark on the wonderful adventure of skiing!
There are challenges to be taken up at every age: from 3 to 5 years old, heading for the snow kindergarten to discover downhill skiing; from 6 to 10 years old, with new stages in the progression of children's skiing; from 10 to 13 years old, with the acquisition of technique; and from 13 years old and beyond, with preparation for competitions and the practice of other disciplines (freestyle, freeride, etc.), for a lifetime of skiing as a leisure activity or more if they so desire!

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