CANCELLED for 27/08 - Environment entertainment "storytelling of the past"

Location : Maison de l'Environnement
Chamrousse Environment centre storytellingChamrousse Environment centre
Maison du Patrimoine et de l'Environnement
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Maison de l'Environnement
680 routes des Trolles
Chamrousse 1650
  • Location :
    • Chamrousse 1650 - Recoin


"Storytelling of the past" animation to the Environment and Heritage House of Chamrousse 1650 - Recoin.
Stories from yesterday and today, from our country or from faraway places, young and old, come and share an hour of storytelling by Audrey.

Animation on registration only. 20 people maximum. Current health regulations - remember to take your mask.
Compulsory registration at the Environment centre at least the day before: by email to "" or by telephone on +33 4 76 89 96 05 or on the spot.
Reservations are confirmed by return email or by a call back following a message on the answerphone or on site at our opening hours.
Free of charge.
Opening periodFrom 09/07 to 27/08/2024, every Tuesday between 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm except on 27/08.
Registration required at the Maison de l'environnement the day before at the latest.
Exceptionally closed on 27/08/24.


    Free of charge.


    680 routes des Trolles
    Chamrousse 1650
    GPS coordinates
    Latitude : 45.123958
    Longitude : 5.877446
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    • Chamrousse Environment Centre
    • Chamrousse Environment Centre
    • Chamrousse Environment House
    • Chamrousse Environment House
    • Chamrousse Environment Centre
    • Outside of the Environment House building
      • Free
      • Bus stop 500 m away
      • Shuttle stop 300 m away
    • Chamrousse French Alpine Club old chalet
    • Chamrousse Environment Centre
    • Chamrousse French Alpine Club old chalet