FAQ - Accommodation Frequently Asked Questions - Page 3

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Can I cancel my stay if there is a new lockdown?

For all accommodations with the "Serenity Offer" (private advertisement) mention, you will be able to modify or cancel your stay (except 40€ booking fees + cancellation insurance) until the day of your arrival, if a decision emanating from a competent authority of the country and linked to the COVID-19 epidemic would not make it possible to go on holiday: confinement or travel restrictions.

For other accommodations that do not mention this offer (professional advertisements), you remain subject to the usual sales conditions.

Is a health/vaccinal pass required to access the accommodation?

The health/vaccinal pass must be presented on the day of arrival for tourist residences and hotels only (subject to new government decisions at the time of your stay).

Can I cancel my stay if I test positive for Covid?

The multi-risk cancellation insurance offered by Chapka Assurances at the time of booking covers you in the event that one of the participants in the trip tests positive for Covid.
Otherwise, you can also consult the terms of your personal insurance.