Chamrousse via ferrata

Plan situation via ferrata Chamrousse

Opening expected from mid-June to mid-October

Chamrousse vias ferratas currently: Open from June, 15th

Caution: unsecured paths before and after the official opening!

Chamrousse vias ferratas

The via ferratas signposts (green direction strips) at the departure of La Croix de Chamrousse are set around mid-June and then removed in mid-September.
It is extremely inadvisable to access the via ferrata routes by bad weather or
risk of thunderstorm.

2 access to the vias ferratas:
  • Approach on foot by Chamrousse 1750 - Croix de Chamrousse path
  • Time for ascent: 2h05 (3 Fontaines) / 2h15 (lacs Robert)
  • Variation in height: 500m
Chamrousse via ferrata


Access: At the top of the resort (Croix de Chamrousse), head towards the Infernet drag lift departure, lower down on the right, then follow the path leading to the start.

Return: By the path: 1h / By gondola: 5 min. to the gondola + 7 min. to go down (enquire about opening times and periods).

Technical description*
  • Departure and arrival height: 2 200 m-2 240 m (40 m)
  • Timing : 1h-1h30
  • Orientation: East
  • Length : 350 m
  • A little difficult to quite difficult
Pleasant crossing route in a high mountain atmosphere. A monkey bridge, a
suspension bridge and a trunk will allow you to clear the couloirs and give you a thrill. Two possible escape exits.

A pause... above the void!

A panoramic pause with your feet above the void, devised by Philippe Halot,
president of the Bureau des guides. As he explains: “I extended the cable from Via Ferrata des Trois Fontaines to reach some benches which are set back, in quiet surroundings, inviting you to stop for a while, to contemplate, to take your time”.
Unique of their kind, these spaces allow you to get away from it all high up in the mountains – in complete safety since you are still attached to the cable.
Chamrousse 3 fontaines via ferrata
Chamrousse Robert lakes via ferrata


Access: at the top of the resort (La Croix de Chamrousse), follow the path going down to Robert lakes. Go past the chair lift’s arrival and keep straight on. At the col of Les 3 Fontaines, take the path on your left going down to Roberts lakes. Once on the shelf, turn left next to the pond and walk along the cliff until the start.

Return: by the path: 1h05 / By gondola: 10 min. to the gondola + 7 min. to go down (enquire about opening times and periods)

Technical description*:
  • Departure and arrival height: 2 050 m-2 200 m (150 m)
  • Timing : 1h30-2h
  • Orientation: East/South-East
  • Length : 300 m
  • Quite difficult
This via ferrata is slightly more difficult than Les 3 Fontaines. The route is gradual. It consists in clearing walls, separated by platforms and slabs crossings leading to a footbridge. You will exit climbing up a pillar.

*The use of the via is forbidden to unexperienced adults and to under-18s non accompanied by an experienced adult