Hikes in Chamrousse 1750 - Roche Béranger

  • Chamrousse Achard lake
  • Chamrousse Arselle peat bog and Achard lake
  • Chamrousse Arselle peat bog and Achard lake
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Difficult - red level
  • Walking time (round trip) :
    • half day
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Recoin-Roche walking path
  • Pathway 1650-1750
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Easy - green level
  • Grouping by age (EN) :
    • Dedicated to families with children
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Panoramic view from the top of Chamrousse resort
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Difficult - red level
  • Walking time (round trip) :
    • by the day
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamrousse Arselle plateau
  • Chamrousse Arselle plateau
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Easy - green level
  • Walking time (round trip) :
    • until 1h30
  • Grouping by age (EN) :
    • Dedicated to families with children
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamrousse Arselle plateau
Chamrousse 1750 Chamrousse 1600
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Easy - green level
  • Walking time (round trip) :
    • until 1h30
  • Grouping by age (EN) :
    • Dedicated to families with children
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Fox trail Chamrousse 1650-1750
  • Carved bench on the fox trail Chamrousse 1650-1750
  • Fox trail Chamrousse 1650-1750
  • Carved mushroom on the fox trail Chamrousse 1650-1750
  • Arrival Fox trail Chamrousse 1650-1750
Chamrousse 1650 Chamrousse 1750
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
    • Thematic trail / Treasure hunt
  • Difficulty :
    • Easy - green level
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamrousse Achard lake
Chamrousse 1750 Baignade interdite Bivouac interdit de début mai à fin octobre
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Medium - blue level
  • Walking time (round trip) :
    • half day
  • Grouping by age (EN) :
    • Dedicated to families with children
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Le Lac Luitel et sa tourbière
  • Vue dégagée sur le Vercors en descendant sur Vizille
  • Le Château de Vizille
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Difficult - red level
    • Bus stop 500 m away
  • Achard lake
  • Robert lakes
  • Pourettes lake
Chamrousse 1650 Chamrousse 1750
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Very difficult - black level
  • Walking time (round trip) :
    • by the day
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Chamrousse Vallons lake
  • Chamrousse Vallons lake
Chamrousse 1750 Baignade interdite
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Easy - green level
  • Walking time (round trip) :
    • until 1h30
  • Grouping by age (EN) :
    • Dedicated to families with children
    • Bus stop 500 m away
    • Shuttle stop 300 m away
  • Plateau de l'Arselle à Chamrousse
Chamrousse 1650 Chamrousse 1750
  • Route type :
    • Pedestrian
  • Difficulty :
    • Medium - blue level
  • Walking time (one way) :
    • 2 days or more / travelling