Accessible restaurant for disabled people
For more information, please contact the restaurant owner, details of which can be found in the information pages below:
Chamrousse 1650
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
- Pizzeria
- Fast-food restaurants
- Handiwork / Hardware
Chamrousse 1750
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
- Crêperie
- Pizzeria
- Fast-food restaurants
- Handiwork / Hardware
Chamrousse 1650
categories :
- Crêperie
- Fast-food restaurants
Chamrousse 1600
Chamrousse 2250
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
- Cafeteria
- Mountain restaurant
Chamrousse 1750
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
Chamrousse 1750
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
Chamrousse 1650
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
Chamrousse 1700
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
- Fast-food restaurants
Chamrousse 1750
categories :
- Crêperie
Chamrousse 1750
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
Chamrousse 1650
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
Chamrousse 1650
categories :
- Traditional restaurant
- Crêperie
- Cafeteria
- Handiwork / Hardware