Mountain bike fun zone

Mountain bike fun zone
Virage de la Croisette
Chamrousse 1750
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  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


Mountain bike trial zone near the Bike park on the Chamrousse 1750 - Roche Béranger side: a zone made up of wooden modules designed to train balance and crossing skills.
The playground for mountain bikers who like to test their balance and control. This zone enables riders of all levels to progress and push back their limits.
Whether for training or leisure, Chamrousse's mountain bike trial zone is a must for enthusiasts.
Opening periodFrom 29/06 to 01/09/2024.
    Classification, Label
    • Facilities and services :
      • Parking lot
    Equipments & Services
    • Parking :
      • Parking facilities nearby


    Free access.


    Zone ludique VTT
    Virage de la Croisette
    Chamrousse 1750
    GPS coordinates
    Latitude : 45.111894
    Longitude : 5.880376
    • Internal criteria :
      • Chamrousse 1750
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