Chamrousse mountain flora


Flora is the overall of the vegetal species in a geografical area or in an ecosystem, opposite to fauna.
In Chamrousse, flora is essentialy composed by forest with pines and a high diversity of flowers and plants.
  • Forêt pins Chamrousse
  • Pomme de pin Chamrousse


The forest is constituted by a wood where trees are spaced for more light. On paths until the lake, you will find the best and oldest pines of all Belledonne mountains. Some of them have 3 or 4 centuries. On the path to the lake you will see that a lot of the softwood coexists.

Pine Cembro

Those trees are beautiful and lives over 1500 meters. You will find some in the lake Achard. It is the most common on the west (skiing side) and north side (les Pourettes). It can be confused with other pines o 2 leaves groups but can be distinguished by its 5 leaves groups.
The Pine Cembro is a rare tress in France. It is mainly located in the Pourettes lake sector.
Gentiane Chamrousse

Botanical richness

The multiple orientations hillsides and diversity of environments are perfect for flora and have a high scientific interest because of the several rare species, whose: a variety of tulips, primerose, clematis, lilys,… as well as common species as rhododendrons, blueberry trees, heaths and other summer flowers, and in spring with crocuses and wild daffodils...

Species specific to wetlands such as the Arselle plateau peat bog, 60 species including 40 specific species, the most important of which are sphagnum moss, cottongrass (with its characteristic white feather duster) and butterwort. There are also two nationally protected species: 2 species of drosera, a carnivorous plant that digests insects, providing them with nitrogen that is in short supply in this very poor environment.
Balade rhododendrons Chamrousse
We remind you to be carefull and to respect our nature. It is forbidden to pick up flowers/plants and other protected species.
For the resto of flowers/plants, gatering is limited according to species. The collection is also forbidden in underground areas.